April 16, 2013

2013 NPC Grand Prix Results

We are back from our first Bodybuilding competition in Los Angeles, CA!


Thank you all for your love & support. It was a HUGE show with over 300 competitors so we picked a tough one. The best part of the contest was we accomplished our goal of competing together and I wouldn’t change anything!  I am so proud we were able to resist all the food temptations and continued to get along despite running on low fuel.  Overall, it was a great experience and it taught us a lot about training, nutrition, and will power. I would recommend it to anyone considering competing.

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So the results- The good news is I did not come in last place, I got 11th! So I am so proud of myself for achieving my goal and being brave enough to have my body analyzed on stage. The great news is- boyfriend got 3rd place and qualified for Nationals so we are super excited about his accomplishment!! He is such a Motivator and has helped me get the body I have always wanted which is yet another reason why I am so blessed to have him in my life. I fell in love with a scrawny little boy who is now a Hunk- which is proof of his hard work and dedication in the gym.

So thanks again for supporting us on our journey! Now back to normal life…and taking back my role as Queen of Sweets 🙂 More pictures to follow, obviously



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  • I happily stumbled on this site :). I am so very exicted for you two. You look great!. I too hope to take the journey to competing, great inspiration!

    • Aw, thank you so much!!! Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to check out my “bikini competition prep” tab under FITNESS. Keep following Good luck w training!

  • you Both Look Awesome! Congrats! And ThinkIt Is So Neat That You Did ItTogether. My Husband And I Have Been Considering Song The Same In 2014. You Are Very Motivating!
    Do You Have A BodySpace AccountTo Follow also?

    • Aw thanks girlie! You guys should definitely do it together. It makes it much easier when dieting if your spouse is too, so there’s less temptations.

      My bodyspace is: btothecore

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