Today we are discussing the anatomy of the Knee.
The front of the knee is made up mostly of the Quad muscles: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Lateralis, and Vastus Medialis. In addition, there are two other muscles that run from the hip down to the inner knee: the Sartorius and the Gracilis. All the muscles below do the action of extending the knee which is straightening it.
- Rectus Femoris- runs from the ASIS to the front of the tibia (shin)
- Vastus Intermedius- runs from the femur down to the front of the tibia
- Vastus Lateralis- runs from the lateral hip down to the front of the tibia
- Vastus Medialis- runs from the inner thigh down to the front of the tibia
- Sartorius- runs from the ASIS to the front/inner tibia. It also helps with hip flexion.
- Gracilis- runs from the pubic bone down to the tibia. It also helps with hip flexion and adduction & knee internal rotation.
The back of the knee is made up mostly of the Hamstrings which are made of up 3 muscles: the Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus, and Semitendinosus. All three of these muscles perform knee flexion which is bending the knee.
- Biceps Femoris- runs from the ischial tuberosity (butt bone) down to the fibula (the bone at your outer shin/lower leg). This muscles also helps extend the hip and externally rotate the knee (turn the foot outward).
- Semimembranosus- runs from the ischial tuberosity down to the tibia. This muscle also helps externally rotate the knee.
- Semitendinosus- runs from the ischial tuberosity down to the tibia. This muscle also helps internally rotate the knee (turn the foot inward)
(the calves/shins will be covered in my ankle/foot post)
- Quad Leg Extension machine (sitting)
- Hamstring Leg Curl machine (standing or prone)
- Barbell Deadlifts
- Barbell Full Squats
- Leg Press machine
- Lunges
- Step-ups
- Hamstring stretches