April 1, 2014

Shoulder Day with Cables

Today I am sharing 6 shoulder exercises- all using Cables!

There are 2 front/anterior deltoid, 2 lateral/medial deltoid, and 2 posterior/rear deltoid exercises.  Try 4 sets of 10 reps each!

shoulder 6

1) Supine Front Raises (anterior deltoid): Lie down facing the cable column. Hold the ends of a rope. Slowly raise the rope overhead keeping your arms straight. Then return back down.

2) Standing Front Raises (anterior deltoid): Stand with your back to the cable column and with one leg on either side of the rope. Hold the ends of the rope. Slowly raise the rope to shoulder height and separate your arms slightly. Then return back down.

3) Standing Deltoid Flys (rear deltoid): Stand facing the cable column and hold two handles. With your arms straight, separate your arms out to the side while keeping them at shoulder height. Only bring your arms back as far as you can maintain deltoid contraction (don’t use your back muscles). Then slowly return forward.

4) Standing Rope Pulls (rear deltoid): Standing facing the cable column and holding either end of a rope. Pull your arms back as you bring the rope to your nose. Arms should be at 90 degrees overhead and bent at the elbows. Then return back slowly.

5) Standing Lateral Raises long lever (mid deltoid): Stand facing one side. Hold a handle with one hand. Hold the bar with the other hand so you can lean away slightly from the column. Then raise one arm out to the side while keeping the elbow straight. Slowly lower back down.

6) Standing Lateral Raises short lever (mid deltoid): Same as #5 except now you will not lean away from the column. Also, keep a bend at your elbow. This version is short lever arm so a little easier than with a straight arm (long lever arm).

Having a well-balanced and well-written training program is crucial to your success. Take a look at our 12 week training program Guns and Buns for easy to follow workouts that will bring you confidence again!

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    • Jackie,

      I usually do 3 or 4 sets of 8-15. It really varies. One huge point my boyfriend has taught me is to NOT focus so much on the reps. Because I would lift til 15 reps and stop. Even though my body could have let me keep going. So don’t let the numbers restrict you. Instead, base it on your capabilities.

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