October 17, 2014

Enjoy Life Guilt-free


The sport of bikini competitions is great. It gives you motivation to stay dedicated and work towards your goal.  It gets you into a routine of eating healthy and working out consistently.

However, in my case, it left me feeling guilty.  Post-competition I felt guilty anytime I was “bad”.

If I skipped a workout, I felt guilty.

If I ate some popcorn, I felt guilty.

If I gained a pound, I felt guilty.


&& you shouldn’t!

There is absolutely, no reason to feel guilty for enjoying life again.

You worked hard for 3 months to get ready for your show! You achieved your goal! So why punish yourself and not allow yourself to enjoy life a little more again?

Instead, you should learn how to enjoy life guilt-free.

For me, that meant IN MODERATION.

Have a meal out every Friday night on date night. Totally fine! One meal a week to replenish. Nothing wrong with that.

Have a glass or two of Mimosas at brunch with some girlfriends. Completely fine! It’s a bonding experience and socializing time.

Have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich every night to achieve my sweets fix. Yea buddy!  If it fits my macros, then why not? Healthy option.

But… Grab fast-food for lunch everyday, Go binge drinking at the tailgate, Eat a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream every night… probably not the best decisions.

Obviously, you can do what you want.  However, if you are wanting to maintain a relatively good physique “off season”, then you probably don’t want to go too crazy.

It’s all about moderation and portion control.

So the point I am trying to get to is this:  Accept the fact that you are allowed to have little treats here and there, without feeling guilty.  Accept the fact that you are allowed to return to some social outings with friends, instead of being stuck at home with your tupperware meal. Enjoy Life girl!  Just don’t lose focus of your overall goal- to still be Healthy.  And healthy does not include binging.

Find happiness in the healthiest way possible  🙂

For nutrition help, checkout our COACHING program and learn how to track Macro’s with flexible dieting!

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