The sport of bikini competitions is great. It gives you motivation to stay dedicated and work towards your goal. Â It gets you into a routine of eating healthy and working out consistently.
However, in my case, it left me feeling guilty. Â Post-competition I felt guilty anytime I was “bad”.
If I skipped a workout, I felt guilty.
If I ate some popcorn, I felt guilty.
If I gained a pound, I felt guilty.
&& you shouldn’t!
There is absolutely, no reason to feel guilty for enjoying life again.
You worked hard for 3 months to get ready for your show! You achieved your goal! So why punish yourself and not allow yourself to enjoy life a little more again?
Instead, you should learn how to enjoy life guilt-free.
For me, that meant IN MODERATION.
Have a meal out every Friday night on date night. Totally fine! One meal a week to replenish. Nothing wrong with that.
Have a glass or two of Mimosas at brunch with some girlfriends. Completely fine! It’s a bonding experience and socializing time.
Have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich every night to achieve my sweets fix. Yea buddy! Â If it fits my macros, then why not? Healthy option.
But… Grab fast-food for lunch everyday, Go binge drinking at the tailgate, Eat a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream every night… probably not the best decisions.
Obviously, you can do what you want. Â However, if you are wanting to maintain a relatively good physique “off season”, then you probably don’t want to go too crazy.
It’s all about moderation and portion control.
So the point I am trying to get to is this: Â Accept the fact that you are allowed to have little treats here and there, without feeling guilty. Â Accept the fact that you are allowed to return to some social outings with friends, instead of being stuck at home with your tupperware meal. Enjoy Life girl! Â Just don’t lose focus of your overall goal- to still be Healthy. Â And healthy does not include binging.
Find happiness in the healthiest way possible  🙂
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