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October 13, 2015

Self Respect in the Female Fitness Industry


Today’s blog is for you ladies out there. We will discuss… Self Respect.

Here’s a little about me: I am a part of the female fitness industry, an educator, an instructor, a model, and an inspiration to other women.  With that comes a standard to uphold. When I do fitness photo shoots, I try to portray myself as a professional with the image of health & happiness.  I want people to look up to me and see me as a positive influence. I want to be seen for who I truly am. I keep those things in mind when deciding on the shoot location, props, outfits, poses, etc.

Here is the problem: There is a fine line between sexy & classy in the female fitness industry.  All over the web and social media I see pictures of women that are not-so-classy (in my opinion). Posing sexy, wearing lingerie for fitness shoots, or putting the spotlight on their “assets”. There has been an over-sexualization of women in fitness lately.

What I don’t understand is why.  If your goal is to gain a male following then go ahead! If you feel like it represents you then go ahead! We all have our own policies and thoughts on what is okay.

Me complaining will not change anything. Instead, I just want to shine a light on this problem. That is all.  If you are like the majority of us women in the fitness industry, and your goal is to coach, train, or blog to other females… then what is the point?

My point: Consider your target audience. When the fitness photo is meant to inspire and motivate others, is it really necessary to wear lingerie?  What is wrong with wearing shorts and a sports bra? Or a swimsuit/bikini? What is wrong with posing in the gym instead of on a bed?

Today I encourage you to just think about these things before you start building your brand and making your mark in the fitness industry. Have some self respect. Take pride in yourself and in your body.

What CAN be done? 



What are your thoughts?

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  • Stephanie,

    I have been following your site for awhile now and just want to say I look up to the way you have gotten into the fitness industry and still have solid beliefs and morals (I love your 10 lifestyle philosophies :)) I am a current college student and want to do a bikini competition when I graduate, but I am also passionate about empowering girls to be strong in who they are and not letting society change the way they see beauty. It makes me so sad how young girls look up to fitness models who are constantly posting half-naked pictures in lingerie. Thank you for speaking truth!

    • Lynn, This means so much to me. Thank you for following the website. Sounds like you and I share the same opinions. Best of luck in future endeavors. 🙂

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