League Spotlight: SNBF bikini competition
The all-natural SNBF league stands for the Supernatural Natural Bodybuilding Federation. They've been around for 25 years now!
Amateurs begin in the amateur division and can eventually progress to the pro division by competing and placing in their Championship shows.
Show Schedule & Cost
Their full 2021 schedule is already up with 4 shows thus far. Visit their schedule page to stay up-to-date.
It appears you don't have to register for their league and instead they allow natural athletes from any other leagues to compete. So you just have to register for the show itself.
Then you can register for one division only (bikini) or two (bikini and physique) which costs more.
In the Bikini division you take the stage twice in a two-piece suit with heels.
Learn more about their Bikini guidelines here.
Learn more about this league in the
Video League Spotlight with me below!
Credit: All information for this post is from the league's official website.