Bikini Competition Prep 2022
Are you considering doing a bikini competition prep in 2022? Here are the three things you need to know.
Competing in 2022
Before you decide to compete be sure to: research leagues & shows, read the bikini competition prep guide, and then decide who to hire to help you with prep!
Competing in 2022: Research Leagues & Shows
You're here because you are considering competing in a bikini competition in 2022. So first things first, decide on your timeline. When do you reasonably and confidently believe you can be ready to take the stage?
Are you already lean and prepared to do a prep in <12 weeks?
Are you expecting a longer prep?
Do you intend to spend more time building muscle first and competing later in the year?
Decide on a month range that works. Then... research leagues.
If you're new here, perhaps you didn't know but there are >15 leagues to compete in. Of course, NPC is the most popular. But the competition is high because it's a large league and they don't do drug testing. So if you're looking for something smaller, with drug testing, and/or with other outfit options on stage then keep your options open.
Lucky for you, I've made you an entire SPREADSHEET to summarize the leagues! Each league also links to a blog post with more info about it. Check it out below for help with making that decision.
Competing in 2022: Read the Guide
Once you decide on a league, shows, and timeframe then it's time to do your due diligence and read up about all things competing. Watch YouTube videos, read blogs, and join the Facebook support group so you have a safe place to ask question and learn!
Here are some (free) top resources:
- YouTube channel
- Blog: Meal prep ideas
- Blog: Contest prep workout plan
- Blog: Hair recommendations
- Blog: Vegan contest prep
- Blog: How to choose a suit
The #1 most important thing to read? My full bikini competition prep guide - hit the button below to read it.
Competing in 2022: Hire Help
Once you have learned more about what competing takes (the workouts, nutrition, and mindset work) then decide if you want to hire any help.
Most women hire two coaches:
-An online or in person coach
-An online or in person posing coach
To get an idea on what a contest prep is like without a coach, read this. It's definitely possible! But not ideal if you want to do well and reduce the stress of it all.
Having a coach makes the process easier, less stressful, and more effective.
Looking for a competition prep coach? Checkout my coaching services by hitting the button below.