beautiful to the core steph dorworth

Hi I’m Steph!

I’m a Physical therapist and training + nutrition coach with big dreams. Obsessed with: dogs, hiking, hydroponic gardens, whiskey tastings, and yoga pants. I’ve been pursuing my passions + leveling up my life in Arizona since 2012.

Growing up, I was passionate about sports and music. The Orlando Magic were my favorites sports team and I could lose complete track of time by just sitting down at the piano – like I was transported to a different world. I always knew I wanted to choose a career that helped others and Physical therapy seemed to combine my love of sports with helping others stay active despite injury. So I went to college to pursue PT – first as a Gator and then at a specialized PT school in St. Augustine, Florida. 

While I was growing up, I was always active in softball, basketball, and marching band which kept me fit. However, when I went away to college I shifted all my focus to my studies and stopped sports completely. As a result, I gained the freshman 10-15lb and no longer felt like the athlete I was. So I turned to working out for the first time in my life by way of running. Running became an outlet for me to relieve stress and clear my mind – which is always racing.

I became obsessed with running and a few miles a week turned into 50+ miles a week… I was wearing my body down all to achieve the “skinny” body I thought I needed to feel fit again. Running was tearing my body down instead of building it up. And after about a year of that, my body began to fight back. I suffered from a sharp, intense pain in my knee one day while I was out on a run. It was so severe that I could barely move it and had to stop running. It took over a month for me to feel better, but even then I knew that hitting the pavement again for long distances wasn’t what was best for my body.

This was a dark time in my life. I had such bad body image that I’d look in the mirror and feel disgusted with myself. Sure I had lost the weight, but I looked so frail and weak. I was under-eating, obsessed with cardio, and had so much negative body talk going on in my head. 

I knew there had to be a better way to feel and look fit.

Enter Zach – my boyfriend (now husband). He introduced strength training to me in a way no one had ever before. Instead of watching me go through the motions at the gym – he taught me. I learned how to develop that mind-muscle connection and really, truly feel every rep. He taught me proper form, timing, rest, and programming. 

And guess what…I fell in love.

With him (of course), but also with lifting. I fell in love with building my body up. I was finally seeing some lil’ baby muscles build up on what was previously a twig of a body. Not only did I feel fit again, but I felt strong, healthy, and empowered.

Around this time, we moved to Arizona together and I began my career in Physical therapy. As a Doctor of Physical therapy, I ran an outpatient clinic for seven years before peacing out to pursue my calling to serve you all here. Surprisingly (but not really), I fell into complete alignment with my purpose, my business, and myself.

Like so many people, I went to school for one thing, but always knew deep down that my true calling wasn’t rooted in one field, but instead to be spread amongst many – limitless.

And so it began… my side hustle.

Around 2013 I turned this blog into sort of a journal or diary about my first bikini competition prep experience & it blossomed from there.

I feel in love with sharing my journey, teaching, and helping other women like yourself discover the power of self worth, self confidence, and strength.

Now, I get to call fitness my full-time job and I’m so blessed to be able to say that.

Thank you for being here 🙂

bikini competition prep coach

Degrees & Certifications

  • Doctor of Physical therapy (DPT)
  • Bachelor of Health Science (BHSc)
  • Manual Therapy Certification (MTC)
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach (CSCS)
  • Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC)
  • Certified Pilates Instructor
  • Certified Stick Mobility Intructor
  • Trigger Point Dry Needling Certified (TDN)